EX Extreme 4-Wheel Heavy Duty Long Range Travel Scooter, Red, 18-Inch Seat

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Sale price$4,039.00 Regular price$4,927.58
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The perfect Multi-purpose, Indoor and Outdoor scooter for day-to-day use. The combination of Mid-size dimensions, a powerful motor, a luxurious captain seat, well-tuned shock absorbers, and an ergonomic modern steering tiller creates a scooter that is brilliant for both Outdoor and Indoors purposes. The four-wheel model is ultra-solid, offering a smooth and comfortable ride along with improved stability.

The Afiscooter C with its unique design is made to maximize the protection and safety of the driver. Its excellent multifunctionality and ease of operation make it the perfect mobility scooter for those who wish to maintain an active, dynamic, and versatile lifestyle.


  • A Delta tiller with an LCD display
  • Right and left side finger touch controls
  • Full front and rear suspension
  • Luxurious swivel orthopedic seat
  • Powerful long lasting headlight
  • Excellent storage space with the lockable front compartment
  • Cup Holder
  • Optional accessories: canopy, wide seats, rear lock box, cane holder, seat belt